Kejutan Di Hari Lahir Yusry Yang Sempoi !!

Selamat hari lahir buat Yusri Abdul Halim, suami Lisa Surihani.

Nampaknya sambutan majlis yang sempoi di buat buat suaminya oleh family ini.

Yang menariknya, sekali tiga buah kek buat sambutan hari lahir itu. Beruntung Yusri ramai yang sayang kan.

Ucapan Lisa buat suaminya tersayang :

The favourite part of birthdays for the kids. Blowing the candles. 😍Rezeki Acik dpt tiga cake sekali utk birthday dia courtesy of Mommy, Zsa Zsa and Aini and Effie. Thank you so much to our dear families and friends for making his birthday a meaningful one. Everyone that came have been missing you since you have been working so hard everyday missing good sleep. And they wanted to be there for your birthday. :) syukur Alhamdulillah, i am happy for you that you are loved and ador
Ucapan Lisa buat suaminya tersayang :

The favourite part of birthdays for the kids. Blowing the candles. 😍Rezeki Acik dpt tiga cake sekali utk birthday dia courtesy of Mommy, Zsa Zsa and Aini and Effie. Thank you so much to our dear families and friends for making his birthday a meaningful one. Everyone that came have been missing you since you have been working so hard everyday missing good sleep. And they wanted to be there for your birthday. :) syukur Alhamdulillah, i am happy for you that you are loved and adored Sayang.

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